2020 Wellbeing Assistance Application

2020 Wellbeing Assistance Application


    All Kokatha people are eligible to make application for assistance with health needs and furniture as detailed on the following page.

    ROUND OPEN DATE: Monday 14th October 2019
    ROUND CLOSING DATE: Friday 8th November 2019

    Applications will not be approved if alternative funding is available, including other Trusts and Government grants.

    Useful Hints:
    Ensure you have a complete application.
    Ensure you have a full and complete quote by an approved provider/supplier. The quote or invoice should be issued in your name NOT in the name of Kokatha Charitable Trust.

    Once an application is lodged with the Kokatha office there is no capacity to alter or make changes to your application.

    Applications will be reviewed within 2 weeks of the round closing date.
    Payments will commence after the review is complete.
    All applicants will be notified by phone, email, or mail once the application has been reviewed.

    Funds will not be provided to replace any government benefit or funding program. Cash payments and reimbursements to applicants will not be made.


    The aim of this program is to provide assistance to those Kokatha individuals and families in need of household items or healthy lifestyle options to improve their wellbeing.

    Funding is limited to $1,500 per round per person (including children).

    All applications must include a letter of support from either a medical professional or from social support. (Centrelink statement or financial counsellor)

    Items that can be applied for include:
    Refrigerators, Washing Machines, Air Conditioners, Beds, Mattresses, Dining Suites, Lounge Suites, Mobility Aids, Gym Membership and the like.

    The balance of any lay-by items can be paid if they fit within the description above.

    No cash payments or reimbursements will be made to Applicants.

    Technology items including Televisions are excluded.

    The Kokatha Office will maintain a register of approved items.

    There will be no replacements for items previously approved within a 5 year period.

    The Trustees discretion can be used for other assistance in regard to people with disabilities.

    This document shall be used as a guide by the Trustee in relation to distribution from the Trust. The Trustee decision in relation to any distribution from the Trust shall be at the absolute discretion of the Trustee. The Trustee has no obligation to provide any reasons for any decision it makes in relation to distribution but at all times will endeavour to act in a sensitive manner within the confines of its legal obligations to administer the Trust appropriately. Distributions by the Trustee must meet the purposes of the Trust.
  • To be completed by the Kokatha Applicant

    Thank you for your interest in the Kokatha Charitable Trust.

    Please assist us to assess your application by completing this form.

  • Limit is $1,500/person
    (Quotes/Invoices must be attached with this application)
  • What will the funds be used for if your application was successful
  • Payment of approved applications

    Upon the approval of your application payment of the funds will be made direct to the provider/supplier.
  • Max. file size: 64 MB.