2022 State Election: Caretaker conventions and pre-election practices

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2022 State Election: Caretaker conventions and pre-election practices




Caretaker conventions guide release

The public sector ‘Guide to Caretaker Conventions and Pre-election Practices’ has been updated and released in preparation for the 2022 State Election.

By convention, when the writs for an election are issued, the government assumes a caretaker role until the outcome of the election is clear. The government must avoid making significant decisions that would limit the freedom of action of an incoming government. The guide sets out the conventions the government is expected to observe.

The guide also sets out a range of practices that agencies should abide by in the lead-up to the election. These are aimed at safeguarding the political neutrality of the public sector.

The guide is available on the Department of the Premier and Cabinet website. All public sector employees, and especially those who deal with ministerial staff regularly, are encouraged to familiarise themselves with the content of the guide. Information sessions will also be made available through your chief executive’s office.

The caretaker period for the March 2022 election will commence on 19 February 2022.

For more information, please visit the Department of the Premier and Cabinet website, email DPCCaretaker2022@sa.gov.au, or phone 8429 0181.

This message has been authorised by Jayne Flaherty, Executive Director, Strategic Communications,
on behalf of Nick Reade, Chief Executive, Department of the Premier and Cabinet

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