Consultation - Lake Torrens drilling proposal

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Consultation - Lake Torrens drilling proposal

KAC have been advised that the Premier of South Australia, as the Minister responsible for the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1988 (SA) (Act), has received an application for authorisation under section 23 of the Act from Kelaray Pty Ltd (Applicant) to undertake mineral exploration activities at Lake Torrens, South Australia. Specifically, Kelaray’s exploration activities at Lake Torrens are associated with its Exploration Licences 5945 and 5937, which are located in the northwest part of the lake. Authorisation is sought for the area within those licences that overlaps the Lake Torrens Aboriginal site boundary.

Section 23 of the Act makes it an offence to damage, disturb or interfere with Aboriginal heritage without prior Ministerial authorisation. 

Section 13 of the Act requires the Premier to consult with Traditional Owners and other Aboriginal people or organisations with an interest in the matter.

KAC has been identified as an interested Aboriginal organisation within the meaning of section 13 of the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1988 (SA) (Act). In addition to KAC’s formal response members will also receive a letter from KAC with details about how to access information at or in our Port Augusta office, and how to respond with concerns about damage to Kokatha heritage if the application went ahead by 5:00 pm on Thursday 23 July 2020. This information is also contained in the documents below. If you require any assistance in accessing or responding to this important matter please contact our office on 08 8642 2068

Additionally, a public notice relating to this application was lodged in the Plains Producer on Wednesday 10 June and in the Advertiser on Thursday 11 June 2020, seeking verbal and written submissions from interested Aboriginal parties. As part of the consultation process, AAR will also be making information available on its website and will write to Aboriginal people with a known interest in the application area. In line with social distancing requirements, no public meeting will be held for this consultation.

See KAC’s request to AAR for an extension of time to respond

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