Departure of KAC Employment & Training Co-ordinator

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Departure of KAC Employment & Training Co-ordinator

We advise that Mr Jonathan Fatt-Clifton will conclude his employment as KAC Employment and Training Co-ordinator on Monday 30 March.

Since his employment in January 2019, Jonathan has made an invaluable contribution to the corporation, community and partner organisations. The outcomes he has facilitated in Kokatha employment, training, job readiness, job retention as well as industry partner engagement with KAC have been powerful . As the first employee in this new position he has demonstrated the value of this role and ensured its high priority in the corporations current and future operations.

Further details about the position acting arrangements and recruitment will be released prior to Jonathan’s departure.

We wish Jonathan and his family all the best in future endeavours and thank him again for his efforts and success over the past 14 months.

Jonathan can still be contacted on or 0447 569 803.


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