Heritage Survey Reports Access Policy

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Heritage Survey Reports Access Policy

Following feedback from Kokatha members requesting greater access to Heritage survey information, the Heritage Services Manager worked with legal counsel to draft a KAC policy. This policy was approved by the KAC Corporation Advisory Group at their July meeting.

The Heritage Survey Reports Access Policy provides a clear practice for the appropriate release of Heritage survey information regarding past and future reports.

For the release of past heritage reports the relevant KAC advisory committee or staff member must consult with the traditional owner who holds the intellectual property rights over the confidential information contained in the report, and accordingly all such confidential information should be redacted from the report prior to its approval and release.

For the release of future heritage reports (undertaken from August 2020):

  • The mining company must provide its written permission to release the heritage report.
  • The mining company may give permission for the release of the report under the following conditions: (a) Public viewing of the report; or (b) Distribution only to restricted people.
  • KAC must provide its written permission to release the report having consideration of the following: (a) Any gender issues when releasing the report; (b) Any elder issues when releasing the report; (c) Whether the report is appropriate for public viewing, distribution to certain Kokatha people, or not appropriate for any distribution.

Further information (including schedules for completion by all Kokatha Heritage Team members) can be found within the policy or by contacting the Kokatha Heritage Services Manager.

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