The July 2020 edition of the Joy Baluch AM Bridge Duplication Project has been released (below). This is the first Project Update from the PW2PA Alliance.
In this edition you can find out more about the project design, key project milestone dates, early works and information about the upcoming Community Information Session outlined below.
The PW2PA Alliance project team is holding a Community Information Session
Where: Institute Theatre, 52 Commercial Road Port Augusta.
When: Thursday 30 July from 3pm – 7pm.
You are invited to meet members of the PW2PA project team and discuss the project, see the latest Joy Baluch AM Bridge Duplication concept design, provide feedback and find out ways you can get involved.
All members of the public are welcome. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are encouraged to attend.
To ensure COVID-19 physical distancing requirements are met, bookings for the Community Information session are essential to register please email or phone 1300 161 407.