KAC Chair and Vice Chair announcement

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KAC Chair and Vice Chair announcement

The Kokatha Aboriginal Corporation Board of Directors is pleased to announce that it has appointed a new Chairperson and Vice Chairperson.

Kahlia Gibson- Chairperson

Kahlia is a mother of three boys and full-time Medical Student at the University of Adelaide. Previously employed by the Department of Education as an Early Childcare Worker, her position included advocating for and working with young indigenous families. She is currently a member of the Family Matters Leadership Group for South Australia, whose fundamental objective is to keep Aboriginal children safe in culture and reduce the overrepresentation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in out-of-home care. As a proud young indigenous woman, Kahlia is committed to helping community and empowering future generations. 

“Strong and influential leaders within the community have guided me, and I am dedicated to providing the same guidance and support to the next generation. I welcome the opportunity to learn, connect and serve and will continue to dedicate myself to help improve the lives of all Kokatha people.”

Daniel Ramm- Vice Chairperson

After completing an electrical apprenticeship, Daniel has worked for a number of companies across an array of industries. This includes working in the defence industry at ASC Shipbuilding, for a seven-year period. It was during this time he became involved in the Communications, Electrical and Plumbing Union. Firstly, as a member of the Union, and secondly, as a site delegate. Daniel’s interest in being involved in the Union has grown over time and he was elected into the State Council in 2015 as a representative of the ship building industry. He have since become the Vice President of the State branch representing nearly 4000 nearly members at both a State and National level. He has participated in lobbying on behalf of our members at parliament on various issues important to our members and the Union. 

“I have also represented the Union on the ACTU Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander committee. I have been fortunate to learn and develop governance, management and negotiation skills and I feel I can put them into practical use for the benefit of our people. I am keen to offer my expertise in any way that can contribute to the Kokatha Aboriginal Corporation, and ultimately to improve outcomes for fellow Kokatha people.”

These young community leaders are dedicated to actively working with their fellow Directors, KAC Management and the whole Kokatha community to ensure the lives of Kokatha are improved. In the next two months they start their terms by leading the collaborative development of the Corporation’s first Strategic Plan, chairing joint meetings with the KAC Culture and Heritage Committee, with the leadership of key stakeholders and with Kokatha Common Law Holders, and facilitating a series of community feedback sessions across the state.

 Exciting times ahead for the Kokatha Aboriginal Corporation! 

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