Kokatha Aboriginal Corporation- Special Administration Notice

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Kokatha Aboriginal Corporation- Special Administration Notice

On Monday 23rd September The Registrar of Indigenous Corporations, Selwyn Button, placed Kokatha Aboriginal Corporation in Special Administration.

“Kokatha Aboriginal Corporation  is in a strong financial position and has historically performed well financially” said Mr Button “However, the ongoing dispute between directors is compromising the governance of the corporation, which is not in the interests of its members and the traditional owners it serves.”

To view the Registrar’s full statement go to https://www.oric.gov.au/publications/media-release/south-australian-native-title-corporation-under-special-administration

The Registrar has appointed Peter McQuoid as the special administrator until 27th March 2020.

Peter has advised that he will be supporting a “business as usual” approach as the corporation continues to deliver high quality services, support, training and employment opportunities to Kokatha members with a clear focus on fairness for all families. As special administrator he replaces the KAC Board and will work with staff and community to strengthen the corporation’s governance structures for future success. He will not be involved in operational matters which will continue to be ably managed by the corporation’s senior management staff.  

Current financial support  for health expenses and funeral costs will continue to be available to all members, and the annual KAC lifestyle and wellness funding round will open as planned in mid-October. Education funding, including scholarship applications are due to be delivered in the first quarter of 2020 and the corporations business growth will also continue through entities such as  Kokatha Mining Services, Kokatha Pastoral Company and various joint ventures. Kokatha Heritage Services will also see members continue to deliver vital local cultural services within the Kokatha Native Title footprint, and the corporation will continue to receive invaluable Lore and Culture advice and support from Elders. Key partnerships in the Resource, Pastoral and Defence sectors will also continue to deliver real jobs to Kokatha members.

Peter McQuoid will be holding a community meeting in Port Augusta in approximately 3 weeks’ time (check the website for updates). In the interim he is available to answer questions from members and interested parties and can be contacted through the Port Augusta Office on 08 8642 2068

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