Kokatha Celebrate New Round of Graduates

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Kokatha Celebrate New Round of Graduates

Six more students have graduated from a unique Kokatha Aboriginal Corporation/TAFE training program.

The graduation ceremony was held at the Port Augusta TAFE campus on 13 August 2019, and was attended by proud family, friends and course supporters including ISS which will employ the graduates.

Those who graduated were:

  • Andrew Cox
  • Casey Waye
  • Clayton Milera
  • Evelyn Miklavec
  • Melissa Amos
  • Victor Waye

Shaun Bowd, the ISS Site Manager at Carrapateena, told the group he was extremely excited to now have a group of workers that he could rely on.

“This is about opportunity. You now have a chance to go from being in our casual pool of workers into full-time, when you are ready,” said Shaun.

“These jobs are for you, as long as you want them. Our aim is to make sure everyone succeeds. This is about real jobs, real opportunities for real families,” he said.

Graduate Andrew Cox spoke on behalf of the students saying all the graduates were excited about getting to work.

“The atmosphere out there (Carrapateena) is awesome,” said Andrew.

“I can’t wait to get working. I hope it’s a long future for all of us. To go on this journey together to make a brighter future for us all and to make our families proud is very special.”

Jonathan Fatt-Clifton, Employment and Training Coordinator, KAC praised the graduates and reminding them that KAC would provide support and structure during their employment journey.

“We will make sure you have help, if you need it. Our goal is to make sure you have help when you need it.”

The program was established by TAFE after approached by KAC to set up a culturally appropriate training course.

“There is a need for workers at Carrapateena,” said Glen Wingfield, KAC chairman.

“Working closely with ISS and Oz Minerals, we have now got a program that provides Kokatha and other Aboriginal people with real opportunities for real employment,” he said.

In April this year, another nine students graduated from the course, all went on to gain work at Carrapateena.

Anyone interested in learning more about the course or working at Carrapateena should contact Jonathan Fatt-Clifton at the KAC office on 8642 2068.

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