Kokatha People

Kokatha People

Various services are available to Kokatha common law holders (including members) which includes but is not limited to Training & Employment opportunities and Community Financial Support.

The Kokatha People decided to form this Aboriginal Corporation to be the prescribed body corporate and to become the registered native title body corporate for the determined areas pursuant to section 57(2) of the NTA and to manage the native title rights and interests of the Common Law Holders

Kokatha Common Law Holders (KCLH)

The Kokatha Common Law Holders in regard to the native title claim are those living Aboriginal people who under Kokatha Laws and Customs, identify as, and are recognised by other Kokatha native title holders as, nguraritja for sites and places in the Determination Area by reason of one or more of the following: 

  1. He or she is one of the following named individuals (where living) or is descended either through birth or adoption from them:  Alma Allen, Arthur Baker, Hilda Captain, Susie Captain, Andrew Davis, Percy Davis, Stanley Davis, Ted Egan, Micky Fatt, Gladys Kite, Ted Larkins, Mick Reid, George Reid, William Smith, Dick Thomas, Edie Thomas, George Turner, Wild Mary, Eileen Wingfield
  2. He or she possesses an ancestral connection with the Determination Area, in that his or her parent or grandparent was born in that country, had a long term physical association with that country and/or possesses significant geographic and culturally confidential knowledge relating to the Determination Area;
  3. He or she was born on the Determination Area (including, if the person was born in a hospital, the place where they would otherwise have been born);
  4. He or she had a long-term physical association with the Determination Area and consequent knowledge of the country;
  5. He or she possesses significant geographic and culturally-confidential knowledge relating to the Determination Area under Kokatha traditional law and custom.

Kokatha Common Law Holders (KCLH) are eligible for support and benefits from KAC. In order for a timely processing of these requests, validation of your status as a KCLH needs to be carried out. To fast track future support requests, apply now to be on our Register of Common Law Holders. Please note this registration process mirrors the KAC Membership application process.

KAC Members

A member of KAC is an individual who has satisfied all requirements regarding their eligibility. (see Membership Section for further details).

A KAC Member can: 

  • attend, speak and vote at general meetings;
  • can be made a Director;
  • can put forward resolutions at general meetings;
  • can ask the Directors to call a general meeting;
  • can look at the books and records of the Corporation (if the Directors have authorised them to do this, or if the members have passed a resolution which lets them do this).

Sharing Culture and Heritage knowledge

KAC gets requests all the time for Kokatha people to share knowledge of Kokatha culture and heritage in lots of ways. With NAIDOC week fast approaching we are looking for community people interested in representing KAC and supporting cultural activities at events throughout the year. Check out the form attached for more information or give Carly a call on 08 8642 2068.

Confirmation of Aboriginal Descent Application

  •  Downloading and completing the application form and returning it by 

Your application will be considered by the Kokatha Aboriginal Corporation Board and you will be notified in writing when a decision has been made. .

Change of member details form

Notify us of any changes to a members name or address.

  • Downloading and completing the form and returning it by:
    • Email to membership@kokatha.com.au
    • Mailing to PO Box 3030, Port Augusta 5700
    • In Person to 35 Flinders Terrace, Port Augusta SA 5700

Comments and COMPLaint form

  • Downloading and completing the form and returning it by 

Your comments/complaints would be much appreciated and valuable to the Corporation