KAC today received the attached report from Kelaray Pty Ltd. Please note this attached report has images on Lake Torrens included. In December 2020 Kelaray was granted authorisation by the SA Government under section 23 of the Aboriginal Heritage Act to conduct mineral exploration works at Lake Torrens, despite objections from KAC and other Aboriginal community representatives. The authorisation contained a condition requiring Kelaray to provide six-monthly progress reports documenting all ground disturbing works, and any Aboriginal heritage discoveries made or managed, within the authorisation area.
This report has been shared with the KAC Board of Directors and the Kokatha Culture and Heritage Committee members for their consideration, as well as KAC legal counsel on this matter for feedback.
We look forward to discussing this matter further with Kokatha Common Law Holders at our upcoming 2022 meetings. You can also contact KAC Heritage Services Manager, Mr Glen Wingfield, for further information.
Please note this attached report has images on Lake Torrens included