Latest statement from KAC- Legal action to protect Lake Torrens

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Latest statement from KAC- Legal action to protect Lake Torrens

Cultural Warning: Please note this information relates to Aboriginal men’s sites of cultural significance

Following ongoing consultation between the Kokatha Aboriginal Corporation (KAC) Board of Directors, KAC Culture and Heritage Committee (CHC) and KAC legal panel, KAC has formally advised the Commonwealth Government Minister for the Environment, The Hon. Sussan Ley MP, that a formal application for the urgent protection of Lake Torrens under Section 9 and Section 10 of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection Act 1994 (CTH) will be submitted.

This action follows comprehensive legal advice and consensus on taking decisive actions most likely to successfully prevent the desecration of  the lake. It was noted that this Minister recently extended her emergency declaration to protect the site of a proposed go kart track at Mount Panorama/Wahluu in Bathurst for a further 30 days, while she consults on a more lasting declaration to protect Indigenous heritage. Her current declaration under ‘section 9’ of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection (ATSIHP) Act, preventing work on the site, remains in force, while consultation with stakeholders is undertaken on the terms of a potential ‘section 10’ declaration.

The KAC Board and CHC continue to strongly and unanimously oppose all mining related activities or any interferences on Lake Torrens and are deeply disappointed with the decision made by the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Steven Marshall.

Mr Glen Wingfield, KAC Heritage Services Team Manager, is currently working with Kokatha Senior Lore Men and KAC legal counsel to finalise the application. For more information or to assist Mr Wingfield in this matter please contact him at or 0487 090 809.

Attached is the latest notice from KAC legal panel counsel, Campatta Lempens on this matter.

All previous statements on this matter can be found at

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