Pastoral Lands Bill - open for review

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Pastoral Lands Bill - open for review

A review of the Pastoral Land Management and Conservation Act 1989 (Pastoral Act) is being undertaken by Department of Primary Industries and Regions SA (PIRSA).  A Discussion Paper was released in late 2019 seeking feedback on the operation of the current Act. The input received has helped to inform the new Pastoral Lands Bill 2020, which is intended to replace the current Pastoral Act. 

The intent of the new Bill, amongst other things, is to ensure that the approach to pastoral land management supports economic, environmental and community priorities, while maintaining land condition and supporting continued productive use of the pastoral lands.

The Bill is now publically available via the Government’s YourSay website

Please get involved and have your say.  Your feedback will help develop a new Pastoral Act that delivers on the collective vision for the pastoral rangelands, and how they are conserved, managed and administered into the future. 

Please note the closing date for submissions is 18 October 2020

The dates for public meetings and webinars to discuss the Bill are also outlined on the website. 

If you have any questions or are experiencing problems in downloading the documents or the online survey please contact

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