Presentation Workshop for Culture and Heritage staff

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Presentation Workshop for Culture and Heritage staff

The Culture and Heritage staff participated in a Presentation workshop that ran on the 13th and 14th September. The purpose of this workshop was to further develop the skills of those attending to continue to improve the quality of Culture Awareness Training and Welcome to Country Presentations that are carried out.

The trainer, Catherine Logue from Training for Learning Company provided some great feedback about the enthusiasm shown by the participants throughout the 2 days and the skills they developed. 

The participant feedback was also positive (here are just some of the examples):

  • Awesome, clear and has upped my level of confidence.
  • Before this I didn’t know much about presentation, I found it very helpful, the trainer was very helpful in explaining everything
  • I really enjoyed the presentations and it was very helpful


The first day started out with going through what makes a good public speaker and some around the table questions. This gave us some good advice and skills for when any of us must do a speech or Welcome to country. The presenter was very good and made everyone feel comfortable. Everyone actually opened up and had some really good conversations/discussions around the table. The participants had to prepare a speech for day two which we then present to the group out front of the room and gave speeches from the heart, about the work they do with heritage and the corporation and how they all enjoy what they do and how proud they are of what they do. It was all very good and moving.

Kokatha have some great Kokatha people working for them.
At the end of the day all eight received a certificate, which was good as I didn’t think we would all have the courage to do what was expected of us.
Kym Chamberlain
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