Proposed exploration drilling (Lake Torrens) - Consultation Period Extended

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Proposed exploration drilling (Lake Torrens) - Consultation Period Extended

In June KAC was notified of a consultation period regarding a proposed drilling exploration at Lake Torrens which was originally due to end on July 23rd.

KAC repeatedly requested an extension to the consultation period to allow all reasonable steps to be taken to consult with Kokatha Elders and Traditional Owners in light of the unique circumstances of COVID-19 restrictions.

As a result we are delighted to announce that the Premier has agreed to an extension of the Consultation Period until 

5:00 pm on Friday 21 August 2020.

This decision was made in consideration of the difficulties of remote consultation during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the range and complexity of heritage interests in and around Lake Torrens.

To read more about the proposal, the Consultation Package and KAC’s letter requesting an extension read our original post on 19th June 2020

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