Port Wakefield Presentation: Wednesday, 9 December 2020 between 10am and 11am
- hear a short presentation from the Project Manager on construction activities in progress;
- view earthworks undertaken in advance of pavement construction of the southbound lanes;
- learn about planned service relocations, including new stormwater infrastructure; and
- ask questions about the earthworks and other construction activities.
Meet at the Eagles Sports and Community Centre, Drake Crescent, Port Wakefield
Due to COVID-19 restrictions bookings for this event are essential.
Please register your interest in attending by emailing your contact details to enquiries@pw2pa.com.au by COB Monday 7 December 2020 or call 1300 161 407 if you have any questions.
Port Augusta Presentation: Thursday, 10 December 2020 between 9.30am and 10.30am
- hear a short presentation from the Project Manager on construction activities in progress;
- view works to date on construction of the temporary wharf;
- learn how the piles for the temporary wharf are driven into the soil by blows from the driving impact hammer on the 250-tonne crawler crane; and
- ask questions about the piling works and other construction activities.
(bring your own chair or a picnic rug to sit on)
Where: Eastside Foreshore, Yuda Street, Port Augusta
Due to COVID-19 restrictions bookings for this event are essential.
Please register your interest in attending by emailing your contact details to enquiries@pw2pa.com.au by COB Tuesday, 8 December 2020or call 1300 161 407 if you have any questions.