RARB Status
Artwork by Tamika Reid
On 29 October 2021 Kokatha Aboriginal Corporation was appointed as the Recognised Aboriginal Representative Body (RARB) for its native title determination area under Part 2B of the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1988 (SA). KAC is the first approved by the State Aboriginal Heritage Committee under the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1988. Its appointment follows that of the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara and Maralinga Tjarutja RARBs, which were automatically appointed when the legislation was amended in 2017.
What is RARB and why does it matter
KAC and RARB Status
How did KAC get RARB status
How does it benefit Kokatha people
How does it benefit all Aboriginal people
How does it protect Aboriginal Heritage
Who will be recognised TO's
To read and download the Kokatha Aboriginal Corporation (KAC) RARB policies
For more information about Recognised Aboriginal Representative Bodies (RARBs) visit the Government of South Australia – Department of the Premier and Cabinet website