SA Housing - Emergency Relief

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SA Housing - Emergency Relief

The SA Housing Authority is the Emergency Relief accommodation provider for South Australia in a state emergency. Most people would be familiar with this work in the context of bushfires.

On Friday 27 March, the SA Housing Authority established a COVID-19 Relief Call Centre, an essential support to the South Australian community. This call centre number is 1300 705 336.

The Relief Call Centre will receive calls from the public and from services seeking emergency relief advice, information and accommodation support.

Support provided includes:

  • Personal hardship support by way of food hampers and support to access basic needs
  • Accommodation support for people unable to achieve self-quarantining
  • Accommodation for emergency services personnel that are required to quarantine but unable to do so at home
  • General advice and information

A limited number of short term Emergency Housing placements have been made available in Port Augusta. To discuss this option call Glen Wingfield, Cultural & Heritage Manager on 0487 090 809

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