Wednesday, 11 November 2020
Housing initiatives in the State Budget 2020-21
The State Budget 2020-21 released by Treasurer Rob Lucas yesterday afternoon included significant housing initiatives that are exciting for the housing and homelessness sector.
It includes investment of an additional $13.6 million over three years to help reduce homelessness in South Australia.
· Each year, 60 rough sleepers with complex needs will be housed in new specialised and supported accommodation at a cost of $2.3 million. A portion of the Holbrooks public housing site at Brooklyn Park will be redeveloped with ongoing case management provided for tenants.
· 40 Aboriginal Elders at risk of homelessness will have access to new housing thanks to a $4 million grant provided to Aboriginal Community Housing Limited for the development of culturally appropriate accommodation in Bedford Park.
These initiatives build on the unprecedented efforts to house 250 South Australian rough sleepers during the COVID-19 pandemic, and provide them with ongoing support, through a $7.3 million funding injection.
The State Budget also includes $76 million for a Housing Construction Stimulus Package from the Community and Jobs Support Fund. This package is designed to support the sector after the HomeBuilder stimulus, and will include initiatives such as shared equity for new home construction and opportunities to promote community and affordable housing.
Other funding commitments include:
· $10 million of planned public housing capital maintenance has been fast-tracked to boost the South Australian economy in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and has supported more than 160 jobs. Upgrades to 1,400 properties – including new kitchens and bathrooms, improvements to common areas, lighting and security, paving, painting and horticultural works – is almost complete.
· $873,000 over two years to support Aboriginal people from remote communities in South Australia to remain safe during the COVID-19 pandemic, avoid homelessness or displacement during travel restrictions, and meet isolation requirements before returning to their home communities.
· $32.9 million over four years to support a further 750 traineeships and apprenticeship places across a range of key areas, including housing construction
· $1.1 million in 2020-21 for the Street to Home Program, providing a range of services for people sleeping rough in the inner city.
· $3.8 million over four years for domestic violence measures including the continuation of the Domestic Violence Disclosure scheme, to ensure people who request information about a partner’s criminal history have support from the specialist women’s domestic violence service.
The Budget also included a range of grants and other initiatives to support communities recovering from the bushfires on Kangaroo Island and in the Adelaide Hills, including:
· $52.8 million over two years for community-led economic recovery projects to support bushfire impacted communities in the Adelaide Hills and Kangaroo Island.
· $45 million over four years for the Kangaroo Island bushfire recovery; clean up, replacement and repair of bushfire damaged state government assets on Kangaroo Island.
You can learn more about these and other investments in the State Budget 2020-21 by visiting
Michael Buchan
Chief Executive