Have your say on the CATSI Act

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Have your say on the CATSI Act

Phase 2 consultation on changes to the CATSI Act is open

I’ve heard that some people are unsure why there is more consultation happening on proposed amendments to the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 (CATSI Act). There have been previous reports and consultations, even a Bill introduced to Parliament in December 2018. That Bill lapsed when Parliament was prorogued in April 2019 (when the House of Representatives is dissolved all bills before the Parliament lapse). In December 2019, the Minister for Indigenous Australians, decided rather than reintroducing the previous Bill, that the NIAA would lead a comprehensive review to build on the previous review work and ensure that whether the CATSI Act is still serving its purpose was properly considered.

I encourage all corporations to get involved in this review and make sure your voice is heard. The CATSI Act has a direct impact on you and your corporation so it’s important you understand what changes are being proposed and how they might affect you.

Next week’s consultation sessions

Unclaimed money account

When a corporation is deregistered any remaining property or assets are vested in the Registrar—they are held in the unclaimed money account for six years. Should the CATSI Act be changed to allow the Registrar to use the funds to maintain and protect the property and assets held? Read the fact sheet on unclaimed monies

  • Monday, 17 August, 10am-11:30am AEST (1.5 hours)
  • Tuesday, 18 August, 3:00pm-4:00pm AEST (1 hour)

Modernising the CATSI Act

Do you think the Registrar should be able to share corporation information with researchers, peak bodies, academics and other stakeholders? Should the CATSI Act be changed to enable the Registrar to contact people and corporations using social media or other digital channels? Should corporations be allowed to store their information on cloud servers? If a corporation tells ORIC a director’s phone number has changed, should the update be made across all directorship records for that person? Should whistleblower protection be expanded? Do financial reporting requirements need clarification? Should auditors have qualified privilege under the CATSI Act too? Read the fact sheet on modernising the Act

  • Wednesday, 19 August, 9:30am -10:30am AEST (1 hour)
  • Wednesday, 19 August, 1:30-3:00pm AEST (1.5 hours)

 Overview of the draft report

A run through of the draft report which covers work already done in previous reviews and consultations, and the lapsed Bill from 2018. It also incorporates suggestions and ideas identified in phase one of consultation.

  • Thursday, 20 August, 11:30am-1:30pm AEST (2 hours)
  • Friday, 21 August, 3:00pm-5:00pm AEST (2 hours)

Register for online consultation sessions

Read the CATSI Act Review Draft Report and fact sheets

Participate in other ways:

o   complete the online surveys for each chapter of the report

o   write a submission and either upload it to the NIAA webpage or email it to CATSIActReview@niaa.gov.au

o   provide general feedback on the NIAA webpage

o   ask the review team for an individual discussion

If you’ve got questions about the review please email the CATSIActReview@niaa.gov.au.

Yours sincerely

Selwyn Button

Registrar of Indigenous Corporations 

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